Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ed Howard on Hollywood Ending

In our estimation, Woody Allen has made two poor films: Hollywood Ending and The Curse of the Jade Scorpion. Ed Howard, whose film by film Allen reviews are the best of class, has recently posted a piece on Hollywood Ending. It's worth your time.


Anonymous said...

I can't really criticize any of Woody's films - to me they are works of art and I'd no more criticize one as inferior to another any more than I'd suggest to anyone that one of Van Gogh's paintings was somehow inferior to another (as if the painter's brush strokes have deteriorated over time).

I also could never try to review or explain any of his films - to me, it's almost superficial and pointless. While I'm sure many may have good ideas about what his films are about, there's no doubt that an artist of Woody's calibre is ahead of the public in terms of their overall meaning and depth.

Good Small Films said...

Anonymous, I ask this sincerely. What do your conversations sound like after watching a Woody Allen film? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

“I never quarrel with anyone who doesn’t like a film of mine. Where I run into trouble is when someone tries to tell you what’s wrong with it. They should just not like it. It’s hard to explain why something is wrong. Just say you don’t like it, and leave it at that.”

-- Woody Allen, from Woody Allen By Kathie Coblentz, Robert E. Kapsis, p. 62.